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How music can improve your sex life

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How music can improve your sex life? When it comes to becoming intimate dead silence does not always promote a sexy atmosphere. A little background noise can create a pleasant atmosphere, as long as it’s the right kind of sound.

For example, you can turn to television, but you may be distracted by cultural programs and entertainment.

Listen to the radio or your favorite CD is a safer option. You and your partner are likely to enjoy the music in the background to make love. But why not take this idea a step further and create your own erotic music playlist?

When I meet a woman, I always take the time to know her by asking a few questions to adapt to her and to propose a playlist that will match her.

The idea here is to schedule a series of songs in a way that sets the mood and adds a deeper level of enjoyment to privacy. It’s not so easy to do.

I begin by collecting feelings that my partner will love. Then I will now arrange the songs in an order that could match our meeting. I will follow a natural flow and ebb. For example, I’ll start with something slow and sweet, pick up the passion with mid-tempo songs, and follow with something with a true pounding. Finish with a sexy music with a gradual slowdown.

I use technology to create a playlist. For example, programming a sequence with my iphone that will mix songs like a pro DJ.

How many songs should be in the playlist? To be honest, it depends on how much time you spend with me.
But don’t worry, my playlists are very long as will be our passionate lovemaking.

Why incorporate music into the sensual relationship? There are many music raisons.It keeps a certain part of our spirit employed. You know, the occupied part that makes you anxious and thinking at work or what is in the fridge. This side of the brain must be off if we want to focus on the physical sensations and emotional connection.

Now, some people may not have any problems and their spirit is not distracted during sex, but many women would need help to stay focused in these moments.

In addition, music affects us both emotionally and physiologically. We literally feel the music in our bodies, which means that the right kind of music can stimulate erotic feelings. Listen to music while we enjoy in these intimate moments, it can make the experience more physically and emotionally satisfying.

Each new song on the playlist can give us energy or score a natural point to start something different. I am mindful and I align myself to the rhythm of my playlist to give you pleasure.

You might think that the idea of a list of erotic songs sounds like a cliché, but you will be impressed by the effort that will make special our encounter. This unique soundtrack will only be for us.

When used correctly, music can be exciting, exciting and sexy. It really is the perfect complement to love.

Let me introduce you to my playlists and I’ll build one for you. Live an instant full of gentleness and pleasure in your own orgasmic musical environment. Write me at


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